Read what customers have said about CDBTS in Dorset.
Behaviour modification
Colin can work with you to help educate you and your dog, he works with you as a personal advisor and trainer to help overcome various issues. Call 01747 838194 or 07966 723 699 to book your place in a training class today!
Dog Training Services Dorset Reviews
“Dear Colin
Nick & Sally-Ann08.05.2021
It has been so lovely meeting you and we have learnt so much from you about canine behaviour. We want to thank you very much for all your professional help and friendly advice with regard to the various issues we had with Oscar.
Life is so much better now for all of us, this would not have happened without your help, and we are continuing implementing all your suggestions and advice.
We cannot recommend you highly enough and if anyone has a problem with their dog you are the man to go to!
Once again thank you so much for all you input, it has made such a difference to our life with Oscar.
“George, our Lhasa X rescue dog, aggressively refused to be clipped and we could see no way forward until a friend put us in touch with Colin.
Sheila and Caroline08.06.2020
He then showed us that Georges aggression stemmed from fear and once Colin worked on his issues he became a changed dog, all in the space of a couple of hours. He has remained a calm and placid dog enabling us to clip him.
Thank you Colin for your kindness and understanding of George. We would recommend anyone who has a problem dog to get in touch with CDBTS.
“We asked Colin to help with our 8 month old Cocker Spaniel using home visits.
Micky and Angie from WarminsterFeb 2020
We are pleased to say that he is one of the most professional people that we have dealt with for a very long time.
His knowledge and experience of dogs is “second to none” and his ability to convey his techniques in a friendly and down to earth manner is most appreciated.
We have asked many questions regarding our dog’s behaviour through to nutrition and exercise routines.
His answers have always been fully comprehensive as have his information packs, but again conveyed in such a way that you don’t feel ignorant.
Maybe the most important factor of his training has been the confidence that he has installed in us.
We will continue our training through his training classes and we are looking forward to having a well balanced and happy young dog.
“One of the best dog trainers I've had the pleasure to work with, cannot say enough. Helped me hugely with my grump growler!
S Radford
“We cannot recommend Colin highly enough; he is an absolute master in his field.
Samantha Wesley
“Fantastic dog trainer, really great guy, highly recommended
S Bailey
“Hello Colin
Valerie Stone
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me with Maxi.
When I contacted you I was at the end of my tether. Maxi even after a walk would make a mess in the house. Being disabled it was difficult to clear it up. He slept in my bedroom, as he did when my husband was alive but would often get me up in the night to let him out then come back in and make a mess. Also he was very excitable when I wanted to put his collar on to take him out to visit my favourite restaurant.
I was going to have him put down as I would not wish him on anyone else.
With your advice and help Maxi now does his big jobs when he is out for a walk and does not get me up in the night or make a mess in the house.
Your advice to tell Maxi to sit ,only once, then wait for him to work out what I want is genius. My friends can't believe how he sits quietly so I can put his collar on.
Another suggestion to say quite when he barks instead of no also works very well.
The only thing I was not successful with, which in fact is not necessary now as he does his big jobs on his walks. Maxi doesn't do his big jobs in the garden when he is on his lead last thing at night.
Maxi and I are now great friends and I would not be without him.
Once again thank you very very much.
“I cant recommend Colin enough, what a lovely kind understanding man, he has helped me so much with Lily, she is like a different dog. I had problems with pulling, coming to heel, recall , I was so wound up, now relaxed and really enjoying my girl, thank you so much, if you have a problem with your dog, colin is the man for you.
“Dear Colin
June & Milo
I wish to thank you for the training and advice you provided for my dog Milo and his aggression on the lead problem.
Following your training there has been an amazing transformation in Milo's attitude and the results have been superb. All within one month from first visit.
There is still some work to do to reinforce the training technique but we can now approach other dogs with confidence.
Milo and I can now enjoy walks in the park together and Milo now wants to befriend other dogs and not be confrontational.
I can offer my personal recommendation, to anyone with dog behaviour problems, to contact Colin for Professional Dog Training.
“Dear Colin
Mandy G
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how well joey is doing (and us !) .
His behaviour has really improved since your visit .
We have used all your tips and techniques you advised us and things are going really well .
The leads are also working well for joey and Bob .
We have just come back from our holiday and we were really able to enjoy it, a while ago we had concerns about taking joey due to his response to other dogs . But now we are managing much better when meeting other dogs out using jackpot !
His recall is much better and he generally seems happier and more relaxed , most probably because we are !
But thank you so much for your words of wisdom .
“Have been working with Colin, a brilliant Police dog trainer and canine Psychologist for a couple of months now, our boy has really turned around and has become an awesome dog
Spencer CuckneyJune 2015
“I've known Colin for about a year now - very professional and extremely clever. In lots of ways, he saved our lives - we... have a rescue dog who was extremely nervous and we were struggling big time. A year on, we have a different dog, who is doing great! Brilliant that we've been able to go out in 'real life' and understand other dogs behaviour and our own. Colin explains everything, whilst understanding and caring about your dog and you. Outstanding
Sharon O'DonnellDecember 2015
“A brilliant training session to start 2016. I always learn so much when I meet up with Colin. I've still got a long way to go, in trusting my instincts and my timing in regards to making my dog feel safe, but compared to how we were a year ago, the changes are unrecognizable. My dog is an older rescue boy and with Colin's guidance and help, we've come so far. A massive Thank You.
Sharon O'DonnellJanuary 2016
Referred By Your Vets
Many insurers (if you have pet insurance) in the majority of instances may pay for the cost of a dog behaviour consultation, please check with your insurance provider in the first instance before booking a consultation through this method. In some instances, your insurer will pay for all of the fees less your excess.
Find Out More
Please take a look around my website for more information about myself and the services I offer. If you have any queries, you can contact me today on:
Office: 01747 838194, Mobile: 07966 723 699
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Fully insured for public liability with Pet Business insurance (LRMS)