Pet Insurance I am a member of the Canine and Feline Behaviour Association of Great Britain (CFBA). Most pet insurance companies recognise the CFBA for clients who are referred by their veterinary surgeon. It is suggested that the client contacts their insurance company in advance of booking a consultation to check if the details of cover and / or any exceptions within their specific policy type.
If you contact me directly and wish to use your pet insurance I will explain the procedure as above and ask you in the first instance to contact your veterinarian to obtain a referral from them, this can be either verbal or written depending on the company that the pet is insured with and their requirements.
If requested or required I can subsequently send an overview report to your referring veterinarian for them to read-through (if applicable). If the behaviour presented to me, is such that I feel that a medical examination of the dog in question is relevant or necessary (to the exhibited behaviour problem) - I will advise you accordingly.
Consultation fees are payable to me at the initial consultation. In some cases, I will agree to be paid directly from the Pet Insurance Company, but this MUST BE arranged prior to booking the consultation appointment.