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Colin's Dog Behaviour & Training Services

Dogs are an amazing species; they are an intelligent species and deserve to be treated as such.


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Behaviour modification

Colin can work with you to help educate you and your dog, he works with you as a personal advisor and trainer to help overcome various issues. Call 01747 838194 or 07966 723 699 to book your place in a training class today!

Colin’s Dog Behaviour & Training Services in Dorset

Dogs are an amazing species; they are an intelligent species and deserve to be treated as such. When raised and trained correctly, they can be wonderful companions, welcomed everywhere by the majority.

When things go wrong, they can be difficult to manage, suffer incomprehensible distress or even be dangerous! With knowledge, understanding, effort and time the problematic dog can become a pleasure. Fortunately dogs do live in the moment, and have far greater abilities than people to change completely.

In order to help change a dog’s problem the key is knowledge and desire to change – you have to ask yourself:

  • “Do you know how to do it?”
  • “Do you want to do it?”
  • “Will you do what it takes to do it?”
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Training Methods

I can help provide you with the knowledge, skills and techniques, but YOU have to have the patience and drive to learn the skills and do what is necessary to make the changes in your canine partner, and enhance the relationship that you would want to see over the short, medium and hopefully long term.

I use principally reward based training methods, but as with children, dogs need consequences for actions – both rewarding and unrewarding. My goal is to improve the lifestyle of your dog and by default your lifestyle will improve. You will enjoy a greater bond with your dog and its relationship with you.

I believe that academic knowledge is important as well as hands on experience, as well as continuing ones professional development via courses, training, seminars and working alongside dogs.

Q: What is CDBTS in Dorset?

A: It is an acronym for my business and the home of excellence for dog training.

Do you have a problem with your dog?
Uncertain of what you should be doing?
How to do it?
Or who to turn to for help?

Referred By Your Vets

Many insurers (if you have pet insurance) in the majority of instances may pay for the cost of a dog behaviour consultation, please check with your insurance provider in the first instance before booking a consultation through this method. In some instances, your insurer will pay for all of the fees less your excess.

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Look No Further

Colin’s Dog Behavioural Training Services (CDBTS) in Dorset can help you. Colin is currently based in Stour Row, Shaftesbury, Dorset. Whether you have owned dogs for many years or this is your first dog, be it a puppy or even an older dog, CDBTS can provide the right service for you and help give you a better understanding and relationship between you and your dog than you might ever of thought possible.

Colin is currently offering the following:

  • 1-2-1 bespoke training
  • Veterinary recommended behaviour and training referrals
  • Dog law consults/dog law seminars
  • Dog behavioural consultations
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About Me

Hello, thank you for visiting my web site CDBTS in Dorset.

My name is Colin Spender, I am the founder of Colin’s Dog Behaviour Training Services in Dorset.

I have over 30 years experience of working and training with dogs, having developed my skills, techniques and understanding of dogs primarily within the British Police service as a qualified and accredited Police dog Trainer and Instructor.

During my career I have worked and trained many operational police dogs both in general patrol and specialist search dogs.

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Useful Links

I believe that academic knowledge is important as well as hands on experience, as well as continuing ones professional development via courses, training, seminars and working alongside dogs.

I am an expert witness for court proceedings and registered and listed on the UK Expert Witness website.

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Find Out More

Please take a look around my website for more information about myself and the services I offer. If you have any queries, you can contact me today on:

Office: 01747 838194, Mobile: 07966 723 699
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Fully insured for public liability with Pet Business insurance (LRMS)

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